According to our inside sources, Habanos S.A. has found a final solution to its production difficulties.
It is no secret, and was no surprise, that the pandemic put a strain on the already troubled Cuban cigar industry. What may come as a surprise is how the Cuban government handled the issues. Production already riddled with issues and communistic bureaucracy problems attempted some innovative solutions.
During the pandemic, Cuba “imported” four thousand comrades from North Korea, attempting to make them into torcidors. This failed spectacularly, as even with the problems Cuba has economically, the country was seen as an island paradise to the N. Korean immigrants, sparking widespread defection as well as many fleeing the country into South America.
Cuba’s latest and most excellent plan, implemented in April of this year, was to outsource the whole thing. Relying on factories in Costa Rica to produce popular brands such as Cohiba and Trinidad. Habanos S.A. is astounded by how successful the endeavor has been so far.
CNT reached out to inside sources at Habanos S.A. They informed us that they were “over the moon.” “Not only with the increase in production but the improvement in overall quality as well. They also commented, “this will put them on level footing with American greats like Gurkha and Cheroot.”