Every cigar smoker will eventually offer a cigar to a non-cigar-smoking friend or be asked by a friend for a cigar to try. This is great, and it’s how we get new folks addicted, err indoctrinated, err into our cult, err hobby, yea that’s it, hobby, remember it’s a hobby or maybe a lifestyle, never a cult or addiction.
So what do we give this virgin of the leaf? There are so many good options, so we will not cover them; below is what not to give the new smoker.
1. Opus X: Friends should not be giving thirty-dollar cigars to new cigar smokers. No one needs to think they need to spend that much on a cigar.
2. Gurkha. This should be obvious. Unless you don’t like the person and want to keep them out of your favorite cigar lounge, then it is the perfect one to give away.
3. Macanudo, I am not sure if they even make cigars, or they are still trying to sell cigars that they made years ago, but yea, don’t.
4. Anything made in Cuba, if it is an authentic Cuban stick, there is a one in five chance it will smoke like crap; also, they are more of a status thing than really good smokes if we are all being honest.
5. Liga by Drew Estate, no one wants a friend to join a cult, and if you ask us, the best Liga there is anything made by Foundation Cigars.